Standard Veterinarian Services
It is recommended that all puppies undergo training or behavior counseling, especially for first time dog owners. We can assist you in the training process for your puppy and give you names of local trainers for puppy obedience classes.
Oral health is an important factor in your pet's overall well being. We perform routine check-ups on your pet's teeth and gums at their annual wellness visit, and we also recommend full cleanings once a year. This allows us to closely examine your pet's mouth, check for lesions or abnormalities, remove tartar and plaque, and polish their teeth.
Ticks and fleas are the most common parasites we encounter on our pets.They pose a health threat not only to our pets, but to us as well.
The aging process for our pets varies based on many factors. It is commonly thought that 1 year of a dog's life is equal to 7 years of our lives. This is incorrect. The first 1-2 years of a dog's life are when the dog reaches maturity.
Being overweight and trying to stay in shape is not only a problem for humans. Pets also need to be put on specific diets and workout plans to stay in good health. There are a number of deficiencies that pets can run into in regards to nutrition that must be observed.
Physical exams are just as important for your pet as they are for you and me. They are probably even more important because your dog or cat can't tell you when they need to go to the doctor!
There are many different types of food available for your pet, and each has its own benefits. You should ask your veterinarian which particular food is best for your pet.