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Ticks and fleas are the most common parasites we encounter on our pets.They pose a health threat not only to our pets, but to us as well.

Ticks are carriers of many different types of diseases - Lyme, Ehrlichia, Anaplasmosis and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever just to name a few.  Most of us in the Northeast are familiar with Lyme disease, but the others can be just as life-threatening.  They primarily affect the white cells and clotting functions of the blood and can be devastating if left untreated.  These diseases affect primarily dogs and we test for them yearly as part of their heartworm test.

Fleas can carry parasites that can cause disease in our pets as well.  Flea bites can result in flea allergy dermatitis which can lead to secondary skin infections.  Ingested fleas can transmit tapeworms and heavy flea infestations can lead to anemia and even death.  Flea feces on open wounds on humans (such as scratches or bites) can lead to a disease called hemabartonella or "cat scratch fever."

As with most diseases, prevention is the greatest defense against ticks and fleas.  We carry many safe and effective forms of topical prevention.  We can also assist with treating already infested animals and their secondary skin or health issues.  Remember to treat all the pets in your household for a minimum of four months if you are fighting a flea infestation.